Showing 193 - 204 from 1831
Desde las 18:00 hasta 19:00 el 07/11/2018
On November 7, David Weinberger, one of the most recognizable thinkers on the Internet, will give the conference 'Knowledge in the Internet age'
Desde las 10:00 hasta 13:30 el 05/11/2018
The inaugural session of the international workshop Collective Intelligence for Democracy, which will take place on November 5, will be open to the public.
Desde las 10:00 hasta 13:30 el 05/11/2018
The inaugural session of the international workshop Collective Intelligence for Democracy, which will take place on November 5, will be open to the public.
From 25/10 to 27/10 and from 29/11 to 01/12 of 2018
Medialab Prado organises a production workshop of collaborative projects related to the develop of musical instruments, installations or devices. The general aim is to help local artists, musicians, researchers or interested people on the field...
Taller de producción
From 25/10 to 27/10 and from 29/11 to 01/12 of 2018
Medialab Prado organises a production workshop of collaborative projects related to the develop of musical instruments, installations or devices. The general aim is to help local artists, musicians, researchers or interested people on the field...
Taller de producción
May 25th on the Auditorium, from 8:00 to 19:00h
Medialab-Prado is pleased to host the official closing of the European Green Week 2018 ( next May 25th. The event will take place in the auditorium of the center and will be bilingual (in Spanish and English with...
May 25th on the Auditorium, from 8:00 to 19:00h
Medialab-Prado is pleased to host the official closing of the European Green Week 2018 ( next May 25th. The event will take place in the auditorium of the center and will be bilingual (in Spanish and English with...
Desde las 18:00 hasta 21:00 el 24/03/2018
As closing ceremony of IN-SONORA 10 festival, at Medialab Prado we look towards nature and the planet as material for artistic creation. For this AVLab meeting it will be presented the work of Gabi Schaffner and its project Datscha Radio as part of a...
Actuación en directo
Desde las 18:00 hasta 21:00 el 24/03/2018
As closing ceremony of IN-SONORA 10 festival, at Medialab Prado we look towards nature and the planet as material for artistic creation. For this AVLab meeting it will be presented the work of Gabi Schaffner and its project Datscha Radio as part of a...
Actuación en directo
21 and 22 march
Transparency and oversight of public procurement: a global and local view
Desde las 17:00 hasta 20:30 el 06/03/2018
We will address what needs to be taken into account to inform, communicate well and take advantage of public procurement data. It will be aimed at anyone interested in hiring, but especially journalists and civil society.
Debate/mesa redonda
Febrero y marzo 2018
In the framework of the sonic and interactive art festival IN-SONORA 10 , the German artist Gabi Schaffner will have a residency at Medialab Prado to develop her project ”Datscha-Radio: Radio Gardening in Madrid".
Acción en la calle Actuación en directo Festival Taller de producción