Showing 301 - 312 from 1831
Desde 27/05/2015 02:00 hasta 29/05/2015 02:00
Auditorio (2ª planta/2nd Floor)
Fifth International Simposium on End-User Development organized by Carlos III University and Medialab-Prado, that features talks and workshops. More information here.All the activities are in English without translation.
Desde 27/05/2015 02:00 hasta 29/05/2015 02:00
Auditorio (2ª planta/2nd Floor)
Fifth International Simposium on End-User Development organized by Carlos III University and Medialab-Prado, that features talks and workshops. More information here.All the activities are in English without translation.
Desde 26/05/2015 21:00 hasta 30/05/2015 23:00
Cantina, Alameda 1, Auditorio
A week of open meetings with authors and digital publishers with ongoing projects. A space to think about literary contents produced and shared online.
Desde 26/05/2015 21:00 hasta 30/05/2015 23:00
Cantina, Alameda 1, Auditorio
A week of open meetings with authors and digital publishers with ongoing projects. A space to think about literary contents produced and shared online.
Desde 21/05/2015 02:00 hasta 31/07/2015 02:00
Alameda 0 (planta baja / ground floor)
The projects developed during Visualizar'15: Commoning Data international workshop are on display until September 30. Watch the video where participants explain their work and experiences.
Desde 21/05/2015 02:00 hasta 31/07/2015 02:00
Alameda 0 (planta baja / ground floor)
The projects developed during Visualizar'15: Commoning Data international workshop are on display until September 30. Watch the video where participants explain their work and experiences.
Desde las 13:00 hasta 22:00 el 17/05/2015
Con motivo del Día Mundial del Reciclaje Ecoembes organiza el primer mercado de productos reciclados, en el que participarán distintos expositores y se realizarán talleres relacionados con el reciclaje para todas las edades.
Desde las 13:00 hasta 22:00 el 17/05/2015
Con motivo del Día Mundial del Reciclaje Ecoembes organiza el primer mercado de productos reciclados, en el que participarán distintos expositores y se realizarán talleres relacionados con el reciclaje para todas las edades.
Desde las 21:00 hasta 02:00 el 12/05/2015
Auditorio (2ª planta/2nd Floor)
Along with the users group R, there will be a 3 talks about data analysis from a broader perspective, interventions taking 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
Desde las 21:00 hasta 02:00 el 12/05/2015
Auditorio (2ª planta/2nd Floor)
Along with the users group R, there will be a 3 talks about data analysis from a broader perspective, interventions taking 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
Desde 07/05/2015 21:00 hasta 08/05/2015 02:00
Sala C
Dentro de la exposición Fuera de Cobertura, una panorámica de la edición independiente en la península ibérica, la Oficina de Investigaciones Lentas (O.I.L) programa varias sesiones de discusión para de­sarrollar algunas de las cuestiones y...
Desde las 21:00 hasta 02:00 el 29/04/2015
Alameda 0 (1ª planta / 1st Floor)
Is Economy a natural thing? Or an artificial product? Fabián Muniesa tackles this topic from an anthropologic point of view, considering economic reality as a provoked reality. A discussion about how real are these artifacts and simulations of...