Showing 49 - 60 from 1831
Desde las 11:00 hasta 14:00 el 17/12/2022
Infraestructuras del sistema energético de la ciudad de Madrid
Cities are crisscrossed by a multitude of flows that constantly reorder their material reality. They are organisms whose in/stability depends on a tangle of systems that guarantee certain levels of mobility, food, energy and care. Power plants...
Encuentro comunidad
Desde las 10:30 hasta 19:00 el 04/12/2022
“Progress” comes too often at the expense of those communities portrayed as backward, uneducated, animalized, or non-existent. Some of them turn this violence and discrimination into a force for their survival by means of embodied practices and more...
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Presentación/conferencia
Desde las 16:30 hasta 21:00 el 03/12/2022
Energy dreams, constructed on compulsive desires for productivity and profit, connect the landscapes of resource extraction with the technologies and spaces of everyday digital life. This session will address how destructive habits of extracting and...
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Presentación/conferencia
Desde las 12:30 hasta 21:00 el 02/12/2022
Digital infrastructures are entangled with the landscapes of resource extraction. Accelerated extraction and consumption of minerals used for construction of batteries and devices, and the subsequent development of digital subjectivities has led to...
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Presentación/conferencia
Desde las 12:30 hasta 21:00 el 01/12/2022
A fundamental aspect of research on digital infrastructures is to visualize their effects on communities and ecosystems. This lab aims to provide strategies to visualize and communicate these processes through models encompassing information from...
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Presentación/conferencia
Desde las 10:30 hasta 18:00 el 30/11/2022
This session with the Institute for Postnatural Studies invites reclaiming and engaging the body as a medium for creating and understanding our surroundings. Together we explore the digital infrastructures that surround the city of Madrid through the...
Acción en la calle Debate/mesa redonda Presentación/conferencia
Desde las 16:30 hasta 21:00 el 29/11/2022
MARINA OTERO'S PRESENTATION Data centers are a fundamental component of today’s digital infrastructure. This session focuses on their socio-political implications and environmental impacts, and their relevance for the future of data sovereignty. MÉL...
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Presentación/conferencia
Desde 28/11/2022 19:00 hasta 04/12/2022 19:00
TERRITORIO ECTOPLASMA INTRODUCTION: WHO WANTS THE CLOUD IN THEIR BACKWARD? Many of us use phones, computers, streaming platforms, video games, and other services that increase data production and consumption. Many celebrate advances in climate...
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Presentación/conferencia
Desde 28/11/2022 19:00 hasta 04/12/2022 19:00
Check the programme here. Convened by architect Marina Otero Verzier, Territorio Ectoplasma is a week-long critical studies programme that looks at the territorial dynamics and often overlooked spaces and bodies that sustain the activity of...
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Presentación/conferencia
Desde las 18:30 hasta 20:00 el 28/10/2022
Plots for fractioned ecosystems is a collaborative audiovisual proposal that is configured from the urban impact on a particular species, the birds.
2oth October at 8pm
Performative installation with FONDO collective.
Actuación en directo
Desde las 18:00 hasta 20:00 el 20/10/2022
A round table discussion as part of Cooking Earth, part of the LAB#02 “The Metabolic Sublime” Is cooking art or science? Is it both? We live in an age of culinary conservatism, which is bad news for the planet, our taste buds, and our souls. While...
Debate/mesa redonda