Showing 121 - 132 from 1827
February 12-14th
On its 15th anniversary, Art Madrid has wanted to organize an intense program of activities that begins before the fair and that extends during the five days of the event to turn the month of February into a real celebration of the most current and...
Debate/mesa redonda
Desde 31/01/2020 16:37 hasta 02/02/2020 16:37
The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is the largest face-to-face game jam in the world. It is a kind of hackathon focused on game development.
Desde las 17:00 hasta 21:00 el 18/01/2020
First meeting of Narratives in RV. Theoretical and practical meeting on research and creation focused on the actuality of Virtual Reality Narratives (RV). Curated by Miguel Santesmases of the working group (Agencia_RV, Medialab Prado). Streaming
Actuación en directo
Desde 10/01/2020 18:00 hasta 09/02/2020 23:00
#ProgramaLaPlaza is a tool to create creative code projects and periodically display them on the giant LED facade of Medialab-Prado. In this latest edition, we invite schools to participate to motivate the learning of programming and code by students...
Acción en la calle
Desde las 17:00 hasta 19:30 el 19/12/2019
Training workshop in positive discipline
December 10th to 12th, from 17 to 21 h
Libre Space is a non-profit foundation for Open Source Space Technologies based in Athens, Greece.
Taller de producción
Desde 04/12/2019 11:30 hasta 05/12/2019 20:30
The objective of the meeting is to convene and prepare a much larger meeting at the end of 2020 / early 2021 in which to officially establish an international network of interrelated centers that autonomously develop the HPV project (HPV Network)
Encuentro comunidad
Del 25 al 27 de noviembre de 2019
The 3-day workshop aims to reflect upon acoustics as a framework that, by lending to the shaping of social and spatial environments, greatly impacts onto experiences of belonging and unbelonging. Extending from Jacques Rancière’s notion of “the...
Taller de formación
Desde 25/11/2019 18:00 hasta 30/11/2019 21:00
The “Punto de Encuentro” Festival has been organized by the AMEE since 1990. This edition presents a series of workshops, talks and performances, in continuity with the “En Red” 10th Symposium held in 2018 in Medialab-Prado, focused on the subject of...
Desde las 12:00 hasta 14:00 el 23/11/2019
El Paraíso de la Deuda (Debt Paradise) is both a workshop and a videogame, which we will play collectively and interactively so that anyone, from children to the "big ones", can understand the complex terms used in economic jargon, such as 'sovereign...
Debate/mesa redonda Festival Taller familiar/infantil/juvenil
Desde las 11:00 hasta 15:00 el 23/11/2019
Cooking is a cultural and social act that gives rise to learning processes that promote participation. Opening our pots and pans is an invitation to share recipes, stories, condiments and tastes.
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Taller de producción
Desde las 16:00 hasta 21:00 el 21/11/2019
Do you know what an edition marathon is? It is an event of collective and simultaneous edition in Wikipedia, free and open to the public, in which people with different levels of experience meet in person or virtually to improve or create articles.
Debate/mesa redonda Encuentro comunidad Taller de producción