Showing 301 - 312 from 1827
Desde 21/05/2015 02:00 hasta 31/07/2015 02:00
Alameda 0 (planta baja / ground floor)
The projects developed during Visualizar'15: Commoning Data international workshop are on display until September 30. Watch the video where participants explain their work and experiences.
Desde 21/05/2015 02:00 hasta 31/07/2015 02:00
Alameda 0 (planta baja / ground floor)
The projects developed during Visualizar'15: Commoning Data international workshop are on display until September 30. Watch the video where participants explain their work and experiences.
Desde las 13:00 hasta 22:00 el 17/05/2015
Con motivo del Día Mundial del Reciclaje Ecoembes organiza el primer mercado de productos reciclados, en el que participarán distintos expositores y se realizarán talleres relacionados con el reciclaje para todas las edades.
Desde las 13:00 hasta 22:00 el 17/05/2015
Con motivo del Día Mundial del Reciclaje Ecoembes organiza el primer mercado de productos reciclados, en el que participarán distintos expositores y se realizarán talleres relacionados con el reciclaje para todas las edades.
Desde las 21:00 hasta 02:00 el 12/05/2015
Auditorio (2ª planta/2nd Floor)
Along with the users group R, there will be a 3 talks about data analysis from a broader perspective, interventions taking 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
Desde las 21:00 hasta 02:00 el 12/05/2015
Auditorio (2ª planta/2nd Floor)
Along with the users group R, there will be a 3 talks about data analysis from a broader perspective, interventions taking 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
Desde 07/05/2015 21:00 hasta 08/05/2015 02:00
Sala C
Dentro de la exposición Fuera de Cobertura, una panorámica de la edición independiente en la península ibérica, la Oficina de Investigaciones Lentas (O.I.L) programa varias sesiones de discusión para de­sarrollar algunas de las cuestiones y...
Desde 29/04/2015 21:00 hasta 13/05/2015 02:00
When TV was invented, everybody thought that radio was going to disappear. However this was not true and with Internet there was no longer a problem with the airwaves limits. Some people even see this moment as an opportunity because the podcasts are...
Desde las 21:00 hasta 02:00 el 29/04/2015
Alameda 0 (1ª planta / 1st Floor)
Is Economy a natural thing? Or an artificial product? Fabián Muniesa tackles this topic from an anthropologic point of view, considering economic reality as a provoked reality. A discussion about how real are these artifacts and simulations of...
Desde las 21:00 hasta 02:00 el 29/04/2015
Alameda 0 (1ª planta / 1st Floor)
Is Economy a natural thing? Or an artificial product? Fabián Muniesa tackles this topic from an anthropologic point of view, considering economic reality as a provoked reality. A discussion about how real are these artifacts and simulations of...
Desde 29/04/2015 21:00 hasta 13/05/2015 02:00
When TV was invented, everybody thought that radio was going to disappear. However this was not true and with Internet there was no longer a problem with the airwaves limits. Some people even see this moment as an opportunity because the podcasts are...
Desde las 14:00 hasta 22:00 el 25/04/2015
Maker Faire is the biggest creative technologies festival of the world –an event for everyone to discover gadgets, creations and technologies. There will be workshops, lectures, guides visits and presentations on science, technology, art, and...