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We had only one table to put our computers and begin to programm the wings and to play with the mechanic arm.
Housewives Making Drugs When we first start the project, we were thinking about synthesizing in the kitchen, recontextualizing laboratory science into domesticity, also expanding the discourse of biotechnology into feminist biopolitics using...
The Open Referral initiative is developing a standardized data format -- in other words, a machine language -- that can enable new models of sharing resource directory data among different kinds of institutions.
Lecture within the framework of the international seminar "Visualizar '15. Commoning data".Maps are a pretty persistent part of how we plot history, how we cartographically comprehend our present, and how might process a topographical trajectory of...
This lecture is about creating a collector living information that allows to extract data and shows how the public relates to public administrations, in order to process these data and obtain indicators and knowledge of the health of this interaction...
We want to visualize changes in the structure of the Catalan Public Administration.
cityApi dashboard for Madrid aims to facilitate access to public data in Madrid creating an api that allows access to any person, association or business that wants reuse these data without worrying about updates of the data source.
This talk provides an analytical outline for critically analysingprojects related to data analysis, from visualisations to services (e.g. mobile applications). It is based on the triad, which is the combination of the three fundamental elements of...