Mostrando 937 - 945 de 3140
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. Originally based upon relational algebra and tuple relational calculus, SQL consists of a data...
Presentation of the I Conference on Data Journalism and Open Data. "When Data Tells Stories"
Workshop led by David Alameda on this data management software with informational purposes.
Call for the submission of theoretical works to be publicly presented within Metabody Conference Series 1: Multiplicities in Motion: Affects, Embodiment and the Reversal of Cybernethics. 3.000 Years of Posthuman History. Coordinated by Reverso...
Call for the submission of theoretical works to be publicly presented within Metabody Conference Series 1: Multiplicities in Motion: Affects, Embodiment and the Reversal of Cybernethics. 3.000 Years of Posthuman History. Coordinated by Reverso...
Call for the submission of theoretical works to be publicly presented within Metabody Conference Series 1: Multiplicities in Motion: Affects, Embodiment and the Reversal of Cybernethics. 3.000 Years of Posthuman History. Coordinated by Reverso...
The Metabody group whithin Common Body annouces Metabody phase 1 call for the selection of 5 projects where artists/technicians/scientists/theorists/activists are invited to participate in the start of the first phase of the 5 years project financed...
The Metabody group whithin Common Body annouces Metabody phase 1 call for the selection of 5 projects where artists/technicians/scientists/theorists/activists are invited to participate in the start of the first phase of the 5 years project financed...
The Metabody group whithin Common Body annouces Metabody phase 1 call for the selection of 5 projects where artists/technicians/scientists/theorists/activists are invited to participate in the start of the first phase of the 5 years project financed...