Mostrando 1018 - 1026 de 3140
Hi, just to point the visual references we talked about. EtherPad - Timeline that shows changes highlighted as events and allows to know who made what. Eclipse - As a windows based interface developing framework. And support things like a chat or a...
Today Ben implemented NodeJS watching a directory for new files and using web sockets to update a webpage loaded in browsers with access to those files in real time. Dave and Simon worked out the system architecture for MetaFlop and sketched some...
http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_canvas.asp HTML5 Canvas The HTML5 <canvas> element is used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript). The <canvas> element is only a container for graphics. You must use a script to actually...
Estamos preparando un póster con todos los participantes en Interactivos?'13 Por eso alguien del equipo de Medialab-Prado os pedirá haceros una foto. Esperamos vuestra colaboración. Os dejo un ejemplo del póster de otras convocatorias: http://wiki...
Los colaboradores que quieran mostrar sus propios trabajos, proyectos o iniciativas, podrán hacer una breve presentación estilo Pecha Kucha (20 diapositivas, 20 segundos por diapositiva) en el Auditorio, el viernes 19 a partir de las 19 horas. Si...
Viernes 19, 19:00-21:00 // Friday 19th, 7:00-9:00 pm Presentación de colaboradores // Introduction of collaborators Los colaboradores que quieran mostrar sus propios trabajos, proyectos o iniciativas, podrán hacer una breve presentación estilo Pecha...
Just a year ago the working group held its first Barcamp, an encounter in which anyone can present projects on data journalism. Once again, this space is open to new initiatives from its group members.
An encounter in which anyone can present projects on data journalism.