Mostrando 1081 - 1089 de 3140
Lecture by David Tschumperlé within the framework of Libre Graphics Meeting 2013.
Presentation by Julien Deswaef. This project has been selected to be developed during Interactivos?'13 Herramientas para un mundo legible y editable. Presentation within the framework of the Libre Graphics Meeting 2013.
Presentation by Susan Spencer. This project has been selected to be developed during Interactivos?'13 Herramientas para un mundo legible y editable. Presentation within the framework of the Libre Graphics Meeting 2013.
Presentation by Julien Deswaef. This project has been selected to be developed during Interactivos?'13 Herramientas para un mundo legible y editable. Presentation within the framework of the Libre Graphics Meeting 2013.
Presentation by José María Blanco and María Solé. This project has been selected to be developed during Interactivos?'13 Herramientas para un mundo legible y editable. Presentation within the framework of the Libre Graphics Meeting 2013.
Lecture by Chris Kelty within the framework of Libre Graphics Meeting 2013.
CoderDojo es una iniciativa internacional surgida en 2011 en Irlanda con el objetivo de enseñar a niños y jóvenes a programar. En pocos meses se ha extendido y ahora mismo coderDojo es una red de centros. En la actualidad existen decenas de clubs en...
Lecture by Ben Martin, Dave Crossland within the framework of the Libre Graphics Meeting 2013.