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Open call for proposals and presentations for the Ordinary Sociology Meeting (May 8-9, 2013) organized by Amparo Lasén, Elena Casado and Antonio A. García, from the Complutense Simetría Generalizada research group. Deadline: March 15, 2013
Meeting around topics suchs as security in IoT environments, data repositories, storage services platforms, and cloud data processing.
Selected projects that will be carried out within the Interactivos? Tools for a Read-Write World workshop (April 15-27).>Open call for collaborators. Deadline April 9, 2013.
CartoDB is an open source database that easily stores and visualizes geospacial data through an api. CartoDB has been used by the NASA and many other companies to track ecosystems.
Google Fusion Tables (o simplemente Fusion Tables) es un servicio web de Google para la gestión de datos. Los datos se almacenan en varias tablas que los usuarios de Internet pueden ver y descargar.
Call to collaborate in the project development workshop Interactivos?'13: Tools for a Read-Write World (April 15 - 27, 2013). Collaborators will participate in the production of selected projects, aimed at the creation of tools to design, edit, draw...
Call to collaborate in the project development workshop Interactivos?'13: Tools for a Read-Write World (April 15 - 27, 2013). Collaborators will participate in the production of selected projects, aimed at the creation of tools to design, edit, draw...
Call to collaborate in the project development workshop Interactivos?'13: Tools for a Read-Write World (April 15 - 27, 2013). Collaborators will participate in the production of selected projects, aimed at the creation of tools to design, edit, draw...
This lecture tackles the concept of hyper socialization or augmented reality of socialization.