Mostrando 1387 - 1395 de 3140
Feedback session and discussion about the deadlines and situation of the different areas of this transmedia and collaborative project.
Florencio Cabello assess his experience and the needs of a project such as Medialab-Prado. He points out possible improvements and indicates the challenges and opportunities that arise with its eventual new location at the Old Belgian Sewmill.
Mónica Cornejo, Anthropology Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, explains her experiece as a blogger in the professional field.http://antropoturmix2.blogspot.com.es/
Jara Rocha explains the general idea and methodology of Master DIWO (Do It With Others), an open initiative in which each peer designs his or her own learning program and shares the knowledge with the rest. This project is a prototype for self...
Fernando Broncano, Philosophy Professor at the UC3M, talk about open writing style in the blogs.http://laberintodelaidentidad.blogspot.com.es/
Elena Azofra, Professor of Spanish Language at UNED talks about the origin and contents of MorFlog, a blog on Spanish Language and its evolution.http://morflog.hypotheses.org/
Adolfo Estalella, Anthropologist at the CSIC, introduces his research on "passionate bloggers" through the creation of his own blog. http://www.prototyping.es/
M-ARTECH, women in art and technology is an interconnected network of women active in social, political, artistic and technological fields, its aim is to facilitate the connection and enhance the distribution of artistic production made by women...
M-ARTECH, women in art and technology is an interconnected network of women active in social, political, artistic and technological fields, its aim is to facilitate the connection and enhance the distribution of artistic production made by women...