Mostrando 1396 - 1404 de 3140
The Philosophy Laboratory is a remake of the Phylosophical Coffees born in Paris in 1992. It is an open dialog and a group research where anyone is welcome to participate. This first session in Medialab-Prado is focused on the concept of democracy...
Isidro López tackles the relationship between natural resources management and social reproduction as one of the first functionalities, if not the main one that historical commons had. He offers a historical overview on the concept of common property...
Texto de Fernando García-Dory en el que ofrece una aproximación al modelo de producción basado la noción de comunal contexto de la cultura rural. García-Dory propone algunos ejemplos históricos para ilustrar sofisticados mecanismos y sistemas de...
Proposals of models, analysis of concrete situations, specific forms of interaction with the nature and landscape, from the traditional culture.
Antonio Lafuente ofrece una aproximación al procomún rural en la discute sobre las communities of places. Según su visión, "gran parte de lo rural se trenza con los imaginarios de lo comunitario, lo natural y lo compartido. Lo rural entonces es uno...
Analysis by ColaBoraBora, in collaboration with Common Companies, of a series of studies located in the rural areas that are relating with the communal environmental goods (land, water, seeds, forest...) and cultural (traditions, popular knowledge)...
Funcionamientos: Open Designs and Social Remix is a work group coordinated by Alma Orozco that tackles the basis of the thinking for a society to integrate functional diversity. Open registration.
Members of Cultura Libre Association explain some of the topics related to open licenses and propose the creation of an entity of collectively managed to make visible and suppory the incresing range of copyleft licenses.
Members of Cultura Libre Association explain some of the topics related to open licenses and propose the creation of an entity of collectively managed to make visible and suppory the incresing range of copyleft licenses.