Mostrando 1441 - 1449 de 3140
Different points of view about growth, contents, aims and changes in Social Networks. How these items have a lot of influence on the traffic that the networks create.
The classic anthropological concept of family changes with the increase of new familiar models. A debate based on an investigation about the configuration of the familiar model made by mothers/fathers single by choice, there is a debate about these...
Different points of view about growth, contents, aims and changes in Social Networks. How these items have a lot of influence on the traffic that the networks create.
The classic anthropological concept of family changes with the increase of new familiar models. A debate based on an investigation about the configuration of the familiar model made by mothers/fathers single by choice, there is a debate about these...
The project "The Hispanic Baroque: Complexity in the First Atlantic Culture"amis to trade interaccions inside the cultural complexity that characterized the Spanish Baroque, and that allow for their reproduction in and transfer to other cultural...
The rol of the humanist as a social and cultural agente will be possible only if he/she is capable of adapting and controlling digital technics and concepts and creating his own tools and methodologies. Juan Luis Suárez shows some examples of...
The rol of the humanist as a social and cultural agente will be possible only if he/she is capable of adapting and controlling digital technics and concepts and creating his own tools and methodologies. Juan Luis Suárez shows some examples of...
The project "The Hispanic Baroque: Complexity in the First Atlantic Culture"amis to trade interaccions inside the cultural complexity that characterized the Spanish Baroque, and that allow for their reproduction in and transfer to other cultural...
Activities program of Big games: Urban games for giant screens.