Mostrando 1459 - 1467 de 3140
Once we have the data form different sources, this workshop teaches how to use the tool Google Refine, which cleans these data before analyzing or visualizing them.
Background and debate around the influence of the new Sinde-Wert Law (and SOPA in the United States) on the protection of copyright and digital economy and innovation, as well as companies that have contents in the Internet.
Background and debate around the influence of the new Sinde-Wert Law (and SOPA in the United States) on the protection of copyright and digital economy and innovation, as well as companies that have contents in the Internet.
Presentation of the new commons group. Different theoretical aproximations to the city and the commons. The problemas of degradation and privatization of public spaces. Reapropriation, promoting the local and connecting citizens as the way to...
Presentation of the new commons group. Different theoretical aproximations to the city and the commons. The problemas of degradation and privatization of public spaces. Reapropriation, promoting the local and connecting citizens as the way to...
"The Commons Letter defends the current situation of the commons proposal: the possibility of substract from the State and the markets the decision and manage of what we need to live (traficantes.net)
Given the city as a space of segmentation, competition and specialization, the commons are based on the idea of inclusion and the right of everyone to access, linking people, communities and the urban ecosystem itself.
The 'relational body' as responsible of the apparition of a common space. The degradation of this body because of an excess of order, security and efficiency.
Sociology and culture of computer games. The specificity of computer games related to social aesthetics, or the structure of feeling in digital society. The studies on video games may be dealed only with the experiences of the players.