Mostrando 1477 - 1485 de 3140
The posibilities of embodiment in videogames digital environment. The body as control interface, the difficulty of creating an identification between player and avatar, the limits of the embodiment and technology and the design of videogames based in...
The original concept of avatar, which comes form the Hinduism, is the encarnation of a god (Vishnu), a manifestation of divinity that destroys evil. Understanding this philosophy is important in order to understand the videogame avatar, because it...
The concepts 'Immersión' and 'presence' are both used for describing the 'being there', the player's sensation of inhabiting the space represented on screen. Calleja proposes the concept 'incorporation' as an alternative, by defending that it's a...
The process of corporal and social developmentthat comes from videogames appearance and evolution. The new forms of individual and social identity and embodiment as a consequence of videogames.
The Sims are not defined as much by the characters, but by their interaction with environmental objects. Thus, we question where is the identity of the Sims; perhaps most evident in its ability to create objects that flows to other Sims, establishing...
Research of the videogame Halo. This presentation covers several items: the narrative of videogames (different because of its multiplicity of experiences), reiteration (same actions never lead to same experiences), hyperreality, the experience of...
The presentation talks about the role of relationships between the avatar (as the player character and the game object itself) and the player, focusing on the field of playing-body videogames.
Experiences of cultural mediation in Intermediae and Medialab-Prado. These two institutions put in practice their organizations in a little workshop, by using sociograms (teached by Transductores) that explain the complex relationships between agents...
Several sociograms that explain the complex relationships between agents, politics, institutions and cultural practices.