Mostrando 280 - 288 de 3140
Housewives Making Drugs When we first start the project, we were thinking about synthesizing in the kitchen, recontextualizing laboratory science into domesticity, also expanding the discourse of biotechnology into feminist biopolitics using...
I would like to share some papers around the topic that could be interesting for the newies as me.
Hi, everyone! I'm very interested in this project from the begining. I'm a researcher, involved in digital communication, gender studies, cyberspace and biopolitics. Your presentation was very inspiring for me. I will be pleasant to share my...
As part of Interactivos''16, and in addition to the workshop mentored by Marc Dusseiller (Hackteria) and Chris Sugrue (May 31st – June 12th), from May 31st until September 20th we shall be showcasing a series of “work stations” that include some of...
Inspirations, What we will do, Materials for Prototype, Collaborations
Lecture of Zachery Denfeld within the framework of the Interactivos?’16: Possible Worlds. Creative and Collaborative Uses of Digital Technologies Seminar.See the program here.
Lecture of Urs Gaudenz within the framework of the Interactivos?’16: Possible Worlds. Creative and Collaborative Uses of Digital Technologies Seminar.See the program here.
Hi Chris, Marc, mentors and collaborators, We are choosing the system and tools to use for tracking skeleton and we need your advice to decide if we ordered a Kinect1 or Kinect2. One possibility is to use Kinect1, Processing2, OpenNI, Mac operating...
During June and July, Medialab-Prado is partnering up with the Banco Sabadell Foundation to run 6 three-week residencies. The aim of the residencies is to foster the spread and development of free and open programming and computing tools for creative...