Mostrando 307 - 315 de 3140
We tried to use lua to make https calls according to this tutorial: http://notebook.kulchenko.com/programming/https-ssl-calls-with-lua-and-… We have instlled lua 5.2, lua socket and lua sec But we encountered a problem similar to the one this...
Google Drive con todos los recursos gráficos de la expo https://drive.google.com/a/josi.ani.to/folderview?id=0B2V-iPQGgwW8bzh5Q…
how to configure the mesecon.net explanation here: http://uberi.mesecons.net/projects/MeseconsBasics/index.html hay ejemplos utiles en soy minero: https://soyminero.wordpress.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
The default and most important controls are: W/A/S/D: move Space: jump Left mouse button: attack, mine blocks, move an item stack in an inventory Right mouse button: use (e.g. open chest or furnace), place blocks, move one item or split items in an...
PART 1 SELF QUANTIFICATION A CRITICAL APPROACH Broadening the quantified self is a project that wants to trigger a different environment for our self tracking data. As we feel the corporate vision of quantified self is a little monolithic, we thought...
Hi. I upload the work done using Valentina for digitalize Polaina Pattern https://opentextil.hotglue.me/?recursos
Hey "Open guide to open objets" is quite descriptive, but we could find a more catchy title for the book. Would you like to help us? Please go on page https://mathieugabiot.titanpad.com/39? and search for the section "title of the book" to make your...
Hello, We are Libre Objet and we are currently writing an "Open guide to open objects" (Guia abierta a objetos abiertos) at Medialab-Prado. For each chapter of the book, we want to present a list of examples of open source objects. We are especially...