Mostrando 325 - 333 de 3140
Hi, we have 3 plans for Bikes in order of priority: 1. Centro Integral de la bicicleta de la UAM who: we have contacted with David, but Pepe form Patio Maravillas is also working there. They are bike entusiaths and they are aware about us and our...
Wednesday 9 (morning) 11:00h - Implementing Community Garment Production with Valentina project' presentation by Susan Spencer at the Vivero de de empresas de Puente Vallecas with visit to the facilities of the Center Wednesday 9 (evening) 18:30h -...
To exchange files and illustrations with the group, we are going to use Sparkleshare. http://sparkleshare.org/ We will use it with this repository https://github.com/libreobjet/open-guide
HOLA BUENOS DIAS, Esto es el pad de referencia por el projecto enlargar el ego quantificado PLAN DE TRABAJO Hacer una interface para que el publico puede hacer un upload de su data. Characteristicas, La interface tiene que: acceptar informacion del...
After a full day and a short morning brainstorming around what we wanted to talka about and how we wanted to talk about it, we've settled for 6 sections for the book. We will divide the book accordinrg to: Definitions, Licenses, Motivation...
trying to define what is KOOKMET and what should the next generation kitchen be and be capable of. visits to neighboorhoud projects (this is not a plaza, san fernando market, anton martin market & tabakalera). Topics: ¿market? what's a market and how...
Hi everyone! Just a short reminder to collaborators about their presentation in Pecha Kucha style scheduled for Monday at 6.30pm. We just expect from you that you show us what you like, what you do in life, what are your hobbies, your dreams...
Lecture of Yolande van der Heide within the framework of the international seminar "Objects in Common". See the program here.
Lecture of Collectif Usinette within the framework of the international seminar "Objects in Commons". See the program here.