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In the notion of sentient media there is a way in and a way out. On the one hand there is the idea that a careful observation and detailed recording of certain processes (mineral, plant, atmospheric, oceanic, etc) can shed light on latent...
In this new stage at Matadero Madrid, Medialab aims to consolidate itself as an innovation laboratory open to citizen participation from which to promote collaborative projects based on experimentation and cooperation between agents from diverse...
Medialab's programming for 2022-2023 will orbit around 8 transversal lines of research that will mark the themes of interest for the center over the next two years.
Terms & Conditions
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Open call for the selection of three situated research projects to be developed over a period of one year within the framework of Medialab's areas of work. The projects will be carried out in an open process with users and the...
This is a full report of the residency with all the different modalities and links to the materials.
During this residency at MediaLab Prado, Juan David Reina-Rozo proposes to develop the LabsRurales project as an emergency for rural education systems in Colombia.
Reunion de ESNOG número 18 en Madrid ESNOG (ESpaña Network Operator Group) es un grupo abierto para el intercambio de información y experiencias de las personas interesadas en el funcionamiento organizativo y técnico de Internet y de las redes de...
Reunion de ESNOG número 18 en Madrid ESNOG (ESpaña Network Operator Group) es un grupo abierto para el intercambio de información y experiencias de las personas interesadas en el funcionamiento organizativo y técnico de Internet y de las redes de...