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From 24 May till 12 June Anaïs Berck will be in residency in Medialab Prado. The residency consists of three parts, with different possible modalities of sharing, participation and collaboration.
A Toolkit for Urban Pedagogy, Sustainability Education and (Young) Citizen's Participation in light of the 2030 Agenda. In collaboration with the Flemish Ministry of Culture, the Residency program of Medialab-Prado is hosting Bram Dewolfs. Bram...
Throughout the month of February, Medialab Prado will be organising the workshop Interactivos?’19: Eating against the collapse, the inevitable end of the agroindustry food model , which on this occasion, will focus on the futures of food, in relation...
In 2019, the workshops "Interactivos?" and "Data Journalism" address the complex world with reference to the SDGs, i.e. the Sustainable Development Goals. We therefore invite you to take part in any of the projects that have been selected, to analyse...
In 2019, the work of the Interactivos'19 and the Data Journalism workshops is going to focus on the complex world of food, with reference to the SDGs. #followthefood We invite you to analyse, narrate or redesign, in a creative and radical way...
David Weinberger argues how the Internet enriches conversations and facilitates access to knowledge
Any project that is considered appropriate can be presented given the subject of the call. The selection criteria will be: 1. Degree of adjustment of the project to the call. 2. Innovation and relevance. 3. Quality of the project. In this article we...
An approximation to the subject matter of Interactivos?’19 by Luis González Reyes. Agriculture accounts for only 3.5% of global GDP. A certain famous economist, a “Nobel” prize winner no less, has been so bold as to say that it is therefore, a quite...
The international workshop Collective Intelligence for Democracy reaches its third edition. The workshop, coordinated by ParticipaLab, aims to develop new projects to innovate in democratic participation. Fifty collaborators from fifteen countries...