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Join this workshop that runs from June 16 to 20th from 15:00h a 21:00h. We will build mobile planters, a compost bin, automatic self-watering systems, and much more. Free registration. Deadline: June 12, 2015
Hola a todos, Disculpad la demora. Procedo a resumir lo acontecido en al ultima reunión del 21/05: Asistentes:Joe, Eduardo, Juanjo, Nelly, Nacho y Jaime Tras aglutinar las ideas surgidas en los últimos encuentros, asentamos la idea base del proyecto...
Documento tipo transparencias según los puntos del documento Hoja de ruta de Sigil.
Hello you can read more about what we have been doing at Medialab Prado here https://github.com/opengovcat/seismometer/wiki/Visualizar-15-MediaLab-P… and proyecto alcaldes about mayors who have been in office the longest https://github.com...
Related to Data Conchita, one of the owners of this project, presented what are the main resources inside the Seismometer database. There are XML files capturing daily changes that cover data from Generalitat web pages. The team was divided between...
Proyecto de opengov.cat - 6 mayo 2015 - versión 1 - Visualizar 15 @opengovcat Somos Concha Catalan, Martin Virtel, Pedro Gracia, Assumpta Picas Concha - ccgbcn@gmail.com / Pedro - lasarux@gmail.com Listas de correo: opengovcat: http://bit.ly/15zbuBo...
The Open Referral initiative is developing a standardized data format -- in other words, a machine language -- that can enable new models of sharing resource directory data among different kinds of institutions.
Lecture within the framework of the international seminar "Visualizar '15. Commoning data".Maps are a pretty persistent part of how we plot history, how we cartographically comprehend our present, and how might process a topographical trajectory of...