Mostrando 388 - 396 de 3140
Daily updated video coverage!
This is a project that seeks to raise awareness among the general population about the amount of information that each one of us is innocently handing over to tech companies on a daily basis. It is known among the tech savvy crowd that companies make...
July 2015 Would you like to build a real microscope with paper and living bulbs? Do you know how satellites and plants are connected? Medialab-Prado turns into a big lab for scientific experimentation, creative expression and group work.For kids from...
A dialog around the presence of religious contents in the digital world, its communication strategies and good practices.
Talk between Philosopher Luciano Floridi and Lawer Javier de la Cueva on the occasion of the release of Floridi's last book The 4th Revolution. How the infosphere is reshaping human reality, that analyzes the variety of factors that influcence 21st...
Os dejo el documento-resumen con el contenido de la 6º sesión del grupo de trabajo.
Os dejo el documento-resumen con el contenido de la 5º sesión del grupo de trabajo.
Os dejo el documento-resumen con el contenido de la 4º sesión del grupo de trabajo.
Os dejo el documento-resumen con el contenido de la 3º sesión del grupo de trabajo.