Mostrando 46 - 54 de 3140
ONLINE WORKSHOP JUNE 14, 16, 21 AND 23 16:00-17:30 (CEST). Organized by Madri+d Foundation for Knowledge. More information and registration here During the pandemic, both proximity and remote ways of cooperation have been activated. In moments of...
Po-Hao Chi's proposal for his residency at Medialab Prado is to design a collaborative, DIY-style musical interface that transforms fragments of online/offline experiences from the artists' and collaborators' everyday lives into an assemblage of...
The objective of this laboratory was to jointly define a more transparent public procurement model (focused on accountability to citizens, rather than only on bidding companies) and aimed at preventing corruption (incorporating methods and...
From 24 May till 12 June Anaïs Berck will be in residency in Medialab Prado. The residency consists of three parts, with different possible modalities of sharing, participation and collaboration.
A Toolkit for Urban Pedagogy, Sustainability Education and (Young) Citizen's Participation in light of the 2030 Agenda. In collaboration with the Flemish Ministry of Culture, the Residency program of Medialab-Prado is hosting Bram Dewolfs. Bram...
Throughout the month of February, Medialab Prado will be organising the workshop Interactivos?’19: Eating against the collapse, the inevitable end of the agroindustry food model , which on this occasion, will focus on the futures of food, in relation...
Food’s environmental impacts are created by millions of diverse producers.To identify solutions that are effective under this heterogeneity, we consolidated data covering five environmental indicators; 38,700 farms; and 1600 processors, packaging...
In 2019, the workshops "Interactivos?" and "Data Journalism" address the complex world with reference to the SDGs, i.e. the Sustainable Development Goals. We therefore invite you to take part in any of the projects that have been selected, to analyse...
In 2019, the work of the Interactivos'19 and the Data Journalism workshops is going to focus on the complex world of food, with reference to the SDGs. #followthefood We invite you to analyse, narrate or redesign, in a creative and radical way...