Mostrando 559 - 567 de 3140
Throughout two long weekends in October (24-26) and December (12-14) we will develop projects that aim to track public money with the aid of experts such as Ben Welsh (Los Angeles Times), Mariano Zafra (El País), Juan Elosua (España en Llamas) and...
Throughout two long weekends in October (24-26) and December (12-14) we will develop projects that aim to track public money with the aid of experts such as Ben Welsh (Los Angeles Times), Mariano Zafra (El País), Juan Elosua (España en Llamas) and...
As a result of the open call for the selection of mediators-researchers for Medialab-Prado's space during 2014-2015 we have received 277 applications.
As a result of the open call for the selection of mediators-researchers for Medialab-Prado's space during 2014-2015 we have received 277 applications.
As a result of the open call for the selection of mediators-researchers for Medialab-Prado's space during 2014-2015 we have received 277 applications.
Álvaro Yelamos del movimiento XXXO nos ofrece esta herramienta de difusión, si queréis contactar con él para tener una entrevista su correo y teléfono están más abajo ******** Hola! Con motivo de la I y II edición del Movimiento XXXO, en Madrid: XXXO...
Hola a todxs, Antes de irnos de vacaciones os comunicamos que Alejadro Zappala dará un taller sobre herramientas para publicar mapas en internet el 24 de septiembre http://medialab-prado.es/article/herramientasparapublicarmapaseninternet No os...
IMPORTANTE. LA INFORMACIÓN DEL PROYECTO LA VAMOS ACTUALIZANDO EN: cazavelocidadesmadrid.tumblr.com El taller de octubre estará orientado a crear una visualización de datos del proyecto o a usar los datos recabados para generar debate público sobre la...
Commons, common or communal? On the occasion of the translation (to Spanish) of the book Think Like a Commoner. A short Introduction to the Life of the Commons by David Bollier, we will have an informal talk with different authors, activists and...