Mostrando 568 - 576 de 3140
Commons, common or communal? On the occasion of the translation (to Spanish) of the book Think Like a Commoner. A short Introduction to the Life of the Commons by David Bollier, we will have an informal talk with different authors, activists and...
Sara Alvarellos presents the results of the work done at the Hardware Station, a prototyping station with low cost technologies based on open licenses and open code, which she has run and developed as a mediator for the last year and a half.
Presentation by Sergio Galán on his work coordinating projects and activities related to software design and programming which took place during the last year and a half.
Myriam Cea presents the workstation she has been coordinating for the past year. Free Graphics is an open design studio in which one can learn, research, discuss, produce and edit based on colaborative practices and free software tools.
Alma Orozco presents the workstation she has been coordinating for the past year and a half, which investigates and combines the concepts of Universal Design, a central pillar of inclusive design, with open design and the possibilities of distributed...
David Rodríguez presents the two projects he has coordinated during the last year and a half at Medialab-Prado.Foodlab is a research space about food and its processes, its implications in today's society and in the local context of Madrid...
Mónica Montoya presents Fluoride Station: a platform for the youngest workgroups to develop projects and activities on digital culture, as well as encouraging participation, collective work and new social and mutual learning relationships.
Roberto Flórez presents the work he has developed during the last year at Medialab-Prado. Restoring Relationships uses conflicts to generate spaces of dialogue and coming together, with the aim of working not only the "content level" of the problems...
Estos dias han sido una locura. Hemos aparecido en el Facebook oficial de la Estación Espacial Internacional y la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), la NASA y la agencia espacial Canadiense se han hecho eco de nuestro proyecto. Tenemos casi 6000 visitas...