Mostrando 64 - 72 de 3140
En Red – 10th Sound Art and Electroacoustic Music Symposium: "On the voice in experimental poetry, film and music" Call open until 23 September 2018 The main objective of En Red 10th Sound Art and Electroacoustic Music Symposium is to reactivate the...
Este encuentro de Interactivos?'18 se ha planteado que las personas, en adecuados contextos, son creadoras de ideas, discursos, especulaciones y, por supuesto, soluciones, que las instituciones, los colectivos y las empresas pueden incorporan a su...
Results of the call for participants from the continent of Africa for the third edition of Grigri Pixel: VERSION EN FRANÇAIS The call for collaborators will be open between September 10 and 30 L'appel à collaborateurs sera ouvert entre le 10 et le 30...
Este artículo es un resumen de referencias a la ordenanza de movilidad que afectan a Transporte Público. Pulsa en los párrafos en negrita los cuales están enlazados con los correspondientes debates en decide Madrid. Anímate a participar en estos...
The forthcoming edition of Visualizar'18 (21 September-5 October) has chosen Personal Data as its theme. This theme is by no means unrelated to previous editions of Visualizar, as back in 2015 we dealt with data commons and in 2017, because of the...
The following manual points out the basic steps and materials you will need to built your own ecoboat. This guideline however is not the only way to approach the construction. You can modify materials and steps as needed depending on the resources...
CONSULCON18 is a two days meeting of collaborative and technical conferences around CONSUL, the largest platform for participation in politics of the world. The open call will be open until May 25th.
En el marco de la colaboración entre el Fondo Nacional de las Artes de Argentina (FNA), el Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación Argentina y Medialab-Prado, éste llevará a cabo 2 residencias creativas durante 4 semanas, coincidiendo con la celebración...
Residues and Humusities. By Cinthia Mendonça For Interactives? '18: Inhabiting the RRRResiduos. Some decades ago we know laboratories that are dedicated to the materialization of ideas through collaborative work. They are spaces that promote access...