Mostrando 631 - 639 de 3140
In the last months there have been, time and again, mass demonstrations on the street, in the square, and though these are very often motivated by different political purposes, something similar happens: bodies congregate, they move and speak...
Lecture by Arne Hendricks on food culture within the framework of the Comerse la calle. Mobile Street Kitchen Workshop.
Hola! quisiera qué día es la primera reunión y a qué hora. Muchas gracias! Nelly
Seminar led by Gloria G. Durán on artivism and networks within the framework of the Digital Communication, Culture and Citizenship Lecture Series in collaboration with Rey Juan Carlos University.
Open inscriptions for the 3rd edition of the Master in Communication, Culture and Digital Citizenship (CCCD) of the Rey Juan Carlos University, a program which propones the learning of these concepts through the operative ways of the digital culture...
Presentation by Vicky Bolaños of this new citizen tool to monitor the activity of the Congress of Deputies using technology and data analysis.
Hi all - it's actualy 7 projects, not 6 as stated in the text. The selected projects are: 360º Pinhole Matchbox Camera Heart Dialogue Musical Suit Underground Communicators 040912:IT'S RAINING DATA A mixed reality environment for live Interactive...
The program includes four talks that tackle different aspects of data processing in BigData systems.
The project is to build an electroencephalograph (EEG) noninvasive low cost for use as BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces). Based from an interface (as Mindflex) that measures mental concentration to indicate acceleration or deceleration of a self...