Mostrando 703 - 711 de 3140
Birmingham City University (UK), Medialab-Prado (Madrid), Sampad (UK), mac birmingham (UK), and BBC Birmingham (UK) and are issuing an Open Call for projects to be collaboratively developed and presented during Interactivos? Birmingham (June 16 – 28...
A session to analyze stratategies in Social Networks.
Hola!no pude ir a la ultima quedad y no se subio ningun post de que habías hecho así que no sé como va ahora la cosa!el tema de tene runa colmena en una casa y empezar ya a monitorizar va adelante? he descubierto que desde pure data también se puede...
Talk by Víctor Sampedro around the book El Cuarto Poder en Red. From Benkler's theory (witness of the defense of Chelsea Manning) to the books by Assange and E. Schlosser.
Talk by Víctor Sampedro around the book El Cuarto Poder en Red. From Benkler's theory (witness of the defense of Chelsea Manning) to the books by Assange and E. Schlosser.
Data analysis session with Open Source tools to practice Data Mining, a science that allows to discover behavioral patterns in big data. Includes talks on two key tools: R and Knime.
Open session to debate on topics related to memory as a commons: the need and right to remember and forget, the power of visual stories to enhance memory and the project "Hebras de paz" for the Donostia/San Sebastián 2016 European Capital of Culture...
Open session to debate on topics related to memory as a commons: the need and right to remember and forget, the power of visual stories to enhance memory and the project "Hebras de paz" for the Donostia/San Sebastián 2016 European Capital of Culture...
Talk by Víctor Sampedro on the specificity of mega-leaks in the context of the digital public sphere as an anti-establishment power.