Mostrando 712 - 720 de 3140
Talk by Víctor Sampedro on the specificity of mega-leaks in the context of the digital public sphere as an anti-establishment power.
Talk by José Manuel Sánchez Duarte on wether the political action on the internet define new militancy profiles or if it is only a digital layer.
Talk by José Manuel Sánchez Duarte on wether the political action on the internet define new militancy profiles or if it is only a digital layer.
Developer Miguel Fiandor show how to extract data from websites or use ScraperWiki for those that already collected.
Daniele Grasso and Jesús Escudero, journalists of El Confidencial, share their experience in a paper that works with data.
Esta cámara sube las imágenes al servidor de la raspberry. Durante la tarde del viernes hemos hecho lo siguiente: *Instalación de software para crear un servidor a través del cual poder ver la imagen de una webcam conectada a la raspberry y poder...
Esquema del sistema v01. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B461DW7MpPC7UlBta3plVHN0YVk/edit?usp=s… En el esquema faltaría lo de la monitorización del peso de la colmena. Listado de material CANTIDAD DESCRIPCIÓN INFORMACIÓN SENSORES INTERIORES 8...
Talk by José Manuel Sánchez Duarte on how digital technologies have altered the number and features of actors that express public opinion and the space where it is created.
Talk by José Manuel Sánchez Duarte on how digital technologies have altered the number and features of actors that express public opinion and the space where it is created