Mostrando 739 - 747 de 3140
Talk by de Antonio Lafuente on political and sociological changes occurred during 2.0 era, specially those within academic practices, and social and cultural criticism.
CiviDay is an event that takes place simultaneously in 20 cities around the world (Madrid, Barcelona, Mumbai, Melbourne, San Francisco...) that aims to present the tool CiviCRM for NGOs to manage their contacts, as well as share experiences and get...
This debate around online cinema distribution aims to answers issues such as its future, viability and role within the audiovisual market.
This debate around online cinema distribution aims to answers issues such as its future, viability and role within the audiovisual market.
It is a multidisciplinary work, developed in the context of an interactive installation, that proposes a telematic trip through cyberspace, with sensored and robotic elements, and the creation of visuals, sounds, music and performance.
This seminar tackles the sociological and political changes occurred during these first years of the 2.0 era, paying special attention to those within the academy, as well as ways, styles and even social and cultura criticism.
Sergio Galán se ha currado esta deliciosa infografía donde se resumen los pasos para hacer una de las recetas de cerveza artesana del proyecto Community Brewery del Foodlab de Medialab Prado. Esperamos que os sirva. Os recordamos que todos los...
AngularJS is an open code JavaScript framework supported by Google that helps managing Single Page Interfaces (SPI). This workshop is an opportunity to get aquitance with different aspects of this environment
"That's the way we leave" analizes the population movements in Spain during the last decade since the massive arrival of inmigrants during the firsts years of XXI century until the gradual leaving of Spaniards and foreigners due to the crises.