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The meeting "Democratic cities: common technologies and the right to a democratic city", held in Madrid from May 23 to 28, generated an important international dialogue between some of the most important actors in the world on issues of technology...
Open-source and collaborative repositories, feminist hackers, open urban maps, citizens’ juries and participatory processes, videos of denunciation and opinion, community building, dynamic games, electoral campaign kits. Prototypes and processes...
From Madrid to the world: dozens of institutions replicate the Madrid Decide platform.
"Democratic Cities", the festival of participation technologies, was held on November 17 and 18 at the Teatro Español in Madrid. There were 2 days of international conferences, with experts and citizens to reflect and think about new participatory...
The international workshop #CIDemocracy- Collective Intelligence for Democracy organised by ParticipaLab at MediaLab Prado in late November 2016 produces tangible results. 15 days, 8 interdisciplinary groups, 80 participants from 30 countries and 4...
The "Urban Betas: Tools for an Open Source City" session was held at #DemocracyLab, part of the international Democratic Cities event held at the Medialab Prado.
From Paris to Iceland, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Spain. Researchers, municipal technicians and activists from different countries have shared their new batch of direct democracy strategies, open source software, and citizen participation, in the...