Mostrando 811 - 819 de 3140
Led by programmer Miguel Fiandor for the scrapping of webpages through the programming language XPath.
Collaborators registered in the workshop tell us about their interests and habilities as well as the project in which they would like to collaborate.
The aim of this project is to provide accurate information about tuition fees at public universities in Madrid region by an interactive graphic with multiple options regarding different degrees.
An innovator study, carried out by Assis Shelter, and RAIS Foundation have revealed that they are also victims of exceptionally high levels of violence, crime and victimisation. This study is based on an exhaustive data collection since 1996...
Project for the obtaining, analysis and visualization of the Sevilla municipal budgets, the later modifications and the extention to any other municipality.
Project is focused on the analysis, visualization and communication of Healthy life years trends by gender across Europe and Spain. Healthy Life Years (HLY) indicator is in the core set of the European Structural Indicators and measure quality of...
Project that tries to analize the population movements in Spain during the last decade since the massive arrival of inmigrants at the begining of the XXI century until the gradual departure of Spaniards and foreigners due to the crisis.
Juanlu Sánchez' presentation of the projects related with data journalism in eldiario.es
Mar Cabra wellcomes the workshop and introduces its general lines. Next Sonia Díez Thale informs about the proper functioning and other logistic useful questions for the participants. Finally Nerea García presents the Medialab-Prado Comunity; a tool...