Mostrando 820 - 828 de 3140
Fridays Openlab are an open and common space for getting together and creating that aims to become a meeting point for all users of Medialab-Prado that want to organize and self-manage projects and ideas."openlabers" do not need any requirements...
Hi everyone, I’m writing because tomorrow morning I won’t be available to get to the workshop. That’s why I’d like to ask you if it’d be a problem to participate face-to-face from 15.30. I will be completely available the rest of the days (both in...
(Enghish below) Hemos admitido el noveno proyecto en la lista mejor votados, en breve posteará su información en la comunidad! "Mapas del clima de las finanzas" del Data J Lab de momento podéis verlo aquí: http://medialab-prado.es/article...
Climate Finance Maps is looking for collaborators! The following profiles are highly welcomed: data analysist/ statistician: we will need help with the analysis of our data. In particular we would need help in finding the best ways to interpret large...
ntroductory talk by Ángel Gordo on the concept of "material culture". Based on different case studies, he shows theoretical and political connections between technified places and spaces of the past, as well as their resemblance with current socio...
Introductory talk by Ángel Gordo on the concept of "material culture". Based on different case studies, he shows theoretical and political connections between technified places and spaces of the past, as well as their resemblance with current socio...
Open call for all those interested in participating as collaborators in the prototyping workshop PlayLab 2013: Tales and Video Games that takes place during two consecutive weekends: November 22 to December 1. Collaborators will develop selected...
Open call for all those interested in participating as collaborators in the prototyping workshop PlayLab 2013: Tales and Video Games that takes place during two consecutive weekends: November 22 to December 1. Collaborators will develop selected...
Open call for all those interested in participating as collaborators in the prototyping workshop PlayLab 2013: Tales and Video Games that takes place during two consecutive weekends: November 22 to December 1. Collaborators will develop selected...