Mostrando 865 - 873 de 3140
Audio file of the Guerrilla Writing and Collaborative Techniques Workshop for Free Radio Production workshop that took place in Medialab-Prado on July 9, 2013 within the framework of the workshop, debates and broadcasting event series of Radio...
A networked computer tower-like construction game simulation is evolved from fluxes of movement by multiple real and virtual users.
Urban Spirits is a game to promote eco-friendly, creative and aggregative behavior in the context of an urban neighborhood.
It is a proposal of an intervention in public space where the Plaza de las Letras becomes into a scenario for a "skated orchestra".
El Prado Gardening Guerrilla is a tactical mixed-reality Guerrilla Gardening game that takes place in the city of Madrid.
Buenos días! Por fin he logrado dormir más de 5h. Después de las pruebas de ayer, habría que conseguir que el Mondrian funcione. Tomando la imagen como base, que los cuadrados cambien de color a naranaja cuando pase por un area el patinador. Cuando...
Nuvem, in collaboration with Medialab-Prado, issues a call for the selection of 5 residency proposals to be collaboratively developed at the rural hacklab rural of Visconde de Mauá (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) from September 5 to 20, 2013.Researches...
Nuvem, in collaboration with Medialab-Prado, issues a call for the selection of 5 residency proposals to be collaboratively developed at the rural hacklab rural of Visconde de Mauá (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) from September 5 to 20, 2013.Researches...
Nuvem, in collaboration with Medialab-Prado, issues a call for the selection of 5 residency proposals to be collaboratively developed at the rural hacklab rural of Visconde de Mauá (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) from September 5 to 20, 2013.Researches...