Digital Communication, Culture and Citizenship Lecture Series

02.10.2012: Presentation of the Master CCCD [+info]

09.10.2012: A Walk around different spaces of Matadero and debate [+info]

16.10.2012: Networked Communities: Cooperative Creation on the Internet, with Andoni Alonso [+info]

23.10.2012: Seminar with Langdon Winner: Do Artifacts Have Politics? [+info]

30.10.2012: About Reusing Information, with Javier de la Cueva  [+info]

06.11.2012: Seminar: Networked Communities: Cooperative Creation on the Internet [+info]

13.11.2012: Participant's Observation: From the Researcher as a Furniture to the Researcher as a Cook, with Adolfo Estalella. [+info]

20.11.2012: In-Depth Interviews and Field Diary: Or How to Re-Invent the Technique of the Field Diary, with Adolfo Estalella. [+info]

27.11.2012: Tecnocitizenship and Commons I. Expanded Prototype, with Alberto Corsín [+info]

04.12.2012: Tecnocitizenship and Commons II. Expanded City, with Alberto Corsín [+info]

11.12.2012: Tecnocitizenship and Commons III. Expanded Authority, with Antonio Lafuente [+info] 

18.12.2012: Tecnocitizenship and Commons IV. Expanded Innovation, with Antonio Lafuente [+info]

08.01.2013: The Hope of the Method, with Adolfo Estalella. [+info]

14.01.2013: Networked Communities: Cooperative Creation on the Internet I. Historical Introduction tto Sociology of Technology, with Igor Sádaba. [+info]

22.01.2013: Networked Communities: Cooperative Creation on the Internet II. Cooperative Creation on the Internet II. Shared Agency, Remediations and Digital Inscriptions of Subjectivities and Affections, with Amparo Lasén. [+info]

29.01.2013: Networked Communities: Cooperative Creation on the Internet III. Material Culture and Social Research, with Ángel Gordo [+info]

05.02.2013: Networked Communities: Cooperative Creation on the Internet IV. Applications and Cases, with Igor Sádaba y Ángel Gordo [+info]

12.02.2013: Advanced Digital Methods for Social Research. El mundo en una cáscara de nuez. Entre la investigación cualitativa y la cuantitativa, with Adolfo Estalella. [+info]

19.02.2013: Public Digital Sphere (I). Central and Peripheric Public Digital Spheres, with Víctor Sampedro [+info]

26.02.2013: Public Digital Sphere (II). Political Economy of the Public Digital Sphere. Potentialities and Controversies, with José Manuel Sánchez Duarte [+info]

05.03.2013: Public Digital Sphere (III). Practical Seminar. Digital Activism, with Margarita Padilla, Mario Tascón, Yolanda Quintana, Pablo Padilla, and Fabio Gándara. [+info]

12.03.2013: Public Digital Sphere (IV). Practical Seminar. Political Parties and Digital Public Sphere. [+info]

19.03.2013: Advanced Digital Methods for Social Research (cancelled)

01.04.2013: Advanced Digital Methods for Social Research (cancelled)

08.04.2013: Journalism and Digital Media (I). Inside de media. What Happened to the Media in the Last 5 to 10 years. Digital Strategy and Convengence Processes, coordinated by Tíscar Lara. 16:00h - 18:00h. Where Are You Going, Journalism?, with David Domingo [+info]18:00h - 20:00h. 15 Years that Changed Journalism, with Gumersindo Lafuente [+info]

15.04.2013: Journalism and Digital Media (II). The content - Storytelling. Hybridation Inside-Outside the Media: New Narratives, Formats, Genres, Media and Languages coordinated by Tíscar Lara. 16:00h - 18:00h: Writing with the Eyes and Reading with the Fingers, with Tíscar Lara [+info]18:00h - 20:00h: The World Has Changed and So Has Our Way of Depicting It, with Adriano Morán [+info]

22.04.2013: Journalism and Digital Media (III). Outside de Media. Journalism from the Borders. Personal and Collective Entrepreneurship. Social Digital Identity. 16:00h - 18:00h: Wikileaks and the Journalism to Come (or that Comes Back to its Origins), with Víctor Sampedro [+info] / 18:00h - 20:00h. Gaps and Bridges in Journalistic  Entrepreneurship, with Pau Llop [+info] 

29.04.2013: Advanced Digital Methods for Social Research (cancelled)

06.05.2013: Net Artivism. Theoretical Framework: Systems Theory and Ecosystem Analysis, with Jordi Claramonte

13.05.2013 20.05.2013: Net Artivism. A Possible Genealogy: Dissecting an Impossible Etiquette, with Gloria G. Durán [+info]

20.05.2013 27.05.2013: Net Artivism. Possible Practices. Net Artivism from the Offline of Any Random Class [+info]


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#Remediaciones e Inscripciones Di #II. Agencia compartida