[Audio] Academic Blogs: Different Times for Science and Presentation of es.hypotheses.org

#dominio publico #ontologia #University of Newcastle #No title
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In this seminar different bloggers share their experience and reflect on how blogs offer an opportunity to rethink the way researchers publish and write within the academic field: Mónica Cornejo, anthropologist and Professor at the UCM presents her blog Antropoturmix on anthropology of religion; Fernando Broncano (UC3M) talks about El laberinto de la identidad, his blog on Philosophy, culture and science; Elena Azofra (UNED) explains her research studies on old Spanish language in her blog MorFlog; Jara Rocha presents the digital platform of Máster DIWO and Frederique Muscinèsi presents es.hypotheses.org, the Spanish version of this Frech platform of academic blogs.

Presented by Adolfo Estalella (Empiria Digital)