[Audio] International Media Roundtable

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125.01 MB
Titular de los derechos
Radio Guerrilla (Agora Sol)
Personas relacionadas
Kamen Nedev

Full audio íntegro of the roundtable LThe Perspective of International Correspondents, broadcasted by Radio Guerrilla on July 11, 2013 from Medialab-Prado.

Guests: Hans-Günter Kellner (radio Deutschlandfunk and EPD Agency, Germany), Senhan Bolelli (Anadolu Official Turkish Agency, Turkey), Manuel de Santiago (MVS Noticias, Mexico), Paolo Pistolesi (Audiovisol, Spanish Revolution, Autonomous), and Rafael Vilella (Media Ninja, Brazil).

This debate-roundtable is part of the 1st Social Communication Fortnight activities series.