#Redada 14: New Models for Communication, Contents and Sustainable Journalism

#cine #parlamento #Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Le #poeticas #impresión 3D #thopaclidrefrethoclorowuclowremechistivaphenipirewoslocluwekitrimojup #No title #No title #No title
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In this session panelists analyze how the internet and the crisis have affected traditional journalism by creating new models of communication and new professions related to content creation, data visualization and information management. Also, future challenges and opportunities are tackled.

With Juanjo Moreno (Yorokobu), Mar Cabra (Fundación Ciudadana Civio), Pau Llop (Bottup), Guillermo López (Libros del K.O), Pilar Portero (Tu2sis), Eduardo Arcos, founder of Hipertextual and Antonio Ortiz, co-founder of Weblogs SL.