Interactivos?'12 Nuvem - Autonomics: Rural Science. Call for Projects

> Approach
> Methodology
> Selection process
> Conditions
> Evaluation criteria
> Submissions
> About Nuvem
> About Interactivos?


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This call is not meant only for artistic proposals. Researchers, professionals and amateurs from different fields are welcome. We want to stimulate reflection, debate and experimentation through collaborative practices in the intersection of art, science, technology and autonomy culture in the countryside. We bet on multiplicity, cooperation, networked knowledge and the use of free tools.

After the announcement of the selected project, the call for collaborators will be released. Each collaborator will be able to choose which projects he or she will work with, independently of his or her technical skills.



In a moment in which the cities reach the limit of their sustainability, more and more people turn to the countryside looking for a lifestyle that can provide some level of autonomy. The relative isolation of rural communities makes them look for local solutions - from car and machinery maintenance to health care. At the same time, do-it-yourself (or do-it-together) culture - more popular every day - also looks for technological independence.

For this call, we want to foster the intersection of hacker and rural cultures for the development of projects that allow for a more autonomous life. We are interested in inventive projects that deal with communications, agriculture, food, drinking water, energy, transportation, bio-construction, from a rural perspective. We want to help coming true ideas that facilitate the reoccupation of the countryside, the production and distribution of healthy foods, the social integration of existing communities, energy self-sufficiency and other positive effects on the community.



The format for the program consists in an initial presentation and discussion of the project; collaborative lab for the developement of the projects; final presentation of the developed projects.

This methodology intends to be a platform for collective investigation, production and learning, that starts from the development of the projects. The proposals are developed in multi-skilled workgroups comprised by the author and by interested collaborators, with conceptual and technical support of teachers and assistents.

Nuvem will facilitate as much as possible the necessary means for the making and documentation of the projects.

Work journeys will be adapted to the particular needs of the projects, in conciliation with the organized activities and every day tasks at Nuvem.

One of the main goals of the program is to foster development, diffusion and open access to new approaches, knowledge, and collaboration networks. Therefore we count on the participants to elaborate proper documentation of the projects, not only during the event but also afterwards. We strongly suggest all participants to publish results and code under free licenses that allow access to all knowledge created or gathered during Interactivos?'12 Nuvem.


Selection process

Five proposals will be selected to be developed in a 16 day-period between November 1st and 17th, at Nuvem - rural art and technology center.

Each proposal will count on the support of up to three collaborators, also selected by open call. This latter call will be released after the proposal selection so that people interested in collaborate may choose which project to work with.



Nuvem will offer to the selected projects the following benefits:

  • Lodging in house with narrowband Internet connection, small lab and collective spaces
  • Return tickets from the applicant’s base city to Nuvem. In case of projects with more than one applicant, only one ticket will be offered.
  • Basic food (3 meals). Extra foods or ingredients should be taken or bought by the proponent
  • Limited financial support for the development of the projects (equipment, supplies, etc)
  • Technical and/or theoretical support

The proponents must agree to perform the following tasks:

  • Cooperate with the selected collaborators before and during the development of the projects
  • Presentation of the project at the beginning of the activities
  • Documentation of the development process, together with the collaborators, to be uploaded to Nuvem’s wiki
  • Share and show final results


Evaluation criteria

The submitted proposal will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • Befitting of the proposal to the goals of the call
  • Technical feasibility of the proposals and work plan   
  • Applicant’s motivation
  • Financial feasibility of his/her transportation
  • Regional distribution of the work area of applicants
The selection committee will be composed by Nuvem and by invited members.



Submissions must be made by sending this form by e-mail to the address nuvemhr(at) containing the following information:

  • Personal data
  • Open work proposal from 2000 to 8000 characters
  • Proposal synopsis up to 500 characters
  • Technical requirements
  • Workplan
  • Suggested collaborator profile

A portfolio and/or resumé can also be sent. Each proponent may also send links to personal pages and/or a selection of work documentations in digital media and in platforms such as youtube, flickr, vimeo, although it is not mandatory. We will accept drafts, doodles and vague ideas.

In case you don't receive e-mail confirmation of your proposal in 48h, please send the form again.


The call will be open until 23:59 GMT of August 18, 2012.

Publicizing the works

Nuvem will publicize the resulting works online and through other communication actions.

Image usage

All material produced during Interactivos?’12 Nuvem, as well as the documentation, will be shared freely by the use of open licenses. Nuvem will publicize the resulting works online and through other communication actions. If you don’t want to have your images publicized, please let us know at your submission.

About Nuvem

Nuvem is an initiative to condense desires, persons, actions and thoughts, created to host insurgencies coming from different interest areas. We search for an autonomy that points towards sustainability. This is not just a technical autonomy – energy, communications, etc – it's linked to every instance: thought, environment, society, economy, food security, health, body, territory. In a context where cities become more and more unsustainable, we believe that the rural environment is the most appropriate for these experiences.

This project is made possible through partnership with the Vivo program, which sponsors Nuvem through tax exemption laws.


About Interactivos?

The work model for this program is based on the methodology developed by Medialab_prado, art and technology center based in Madrid, Spain. Interactivos?, which exists since 2006, proposed an interactive model of learning that goes beyond the typical hierarchic dynamics between teacher and student.

The name refers to a questioning of an idea of interactivity at the same time when it proposes a collective creation and the use of free tools, in an environment where participants can both learn and teach.

Interactivos? has already happened in places such as Madri, New York, Mexico City, Lima and Belo Horizonte (Marginalia+Lab in 2010). Internationally renowned, the model idealized by Medialab-Prado received an honorable mention from Ars Electronica


By submitting, the author states that has read agrees with all terms of this call.

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#brasil #rural