Interactivos? Birmingham: Responsive and immersive future technologies. Open Call for Collaborators

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> Selected Projects

> About this call

> Workshop Programme

> Appointment of collaborators in the workshop

> Acommodation

> Medialab-Prado's Community site

> Additional Information

> Form


About this call

Interactivos? Birmingham is a UK based, two week international seminar and open innovation prototyping workshop.  The Interactivos? model, conceived by Medialab-Prado as a hybrid between an innovation production workshop, seminar and exhibition showcase. It is a space for reflection, research, collaboration and creation, in which proposals selected by an international open call are developed, completed and displayed.

The process will be open to the public from beginning to end. Interactivos? is widely regarded as a model of best practice, and in bringing the project to Birmingham, this will be the first time the Interactivos? project will have been hosted in the UK. In doing so, regional and national based individuals will connect to an international network of creative and digital professionals for collaboration and technological production.

Advisors of the workshop: Mark Brill, Katie Day, Mark Steadman, Simon Whitehouse, Chris Cuthbert,  and Chris Sugrue. Technical assistant: Pablo Ripollés

More information on Interactivos?



The theme for Interactivos Birmingham 2014 is responsive and immersive future technologies.
This will be very much a knowledge exchange, working closely with a number of other skilled individuals who are interested in this exciting area of arts and digital crossover, and there is fantastic opportunity for learning new skills from each other, from the project leaders, and from the experts who will be on hand to guide the projects.

The names of the collaborators will appear in the project’s credits on completion of the projects. Also, BCU and Medialab-Prado will present a document certifying participation in the workshop to all the participants that request it.

For those based outside Birmingham, accommodation expenses will be covered.
Places are awarded on a first com first serve basis, and the sign up form can be found below.

The role of the collaborator is crucial in the workshop process. Collaborators will have the opportunity to join the project teams that will develop the selected proposals. Working in an environment in which there is a horizontal relationship among professors, developers and artists, it is an opportunity for reflective knowledge exchange, and theoretical and practical learning.

Collaborators bring their field of expertise and/or interests to the working group to form part of the development teams. Collaborators can work on more than one of the selected proposals and bring their own ideas and knowledge to the work group, and at the same time, learning from the group and the expert advisors.

The names of the collaborators will appear in the project’s credits on completion of the projects. Also, BCU and Medialab-Prado will present a document certifying participation in the workshop to all the participants that request it. 

Workshop Programme

The workshop runs every day and collaborators are expected to participate as fully as possible. The key dates for involvement are:
  • Arrival and welcome of participants: Monday 16 June, 2014
  • Seminar programme on the theme: Tuesday 17 June, 2014
  • Presentations of the selected projects: Wednesday 18 June, 2014
  • Workshop: Wednesday 18 June to Friday 27 June, 2014


Appointment of collaborators in the workshop

There is no selection process for collaborators, all received registrations will be accepted until capacity is filled. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an automatic mail confirmation informing that your data has been successfully received, which means that you have already earned participation in the workshop. Having a place as a collaborator does not necessarily guarantee that you have secured accommodation. This will be on a first come first served basis, however we will aim to ensure as many collaborators are placed into accommodation (please see below).



For residents outside of Birmingham, BCU will cover for the stay of a limited number of participants at university accommodation during the dates of the of the workshop. Each space will be assigned by order of registration. Therefore, signing in as a collaborator does not necessarily guarantee that you have a place in the accommodation. Do not forget to indicate in the form the dates of your stay (Maximum stay: check-in on June 16 and leaving on June 28).  BCU will get in touch with you for a final reservation).

Travel or other expenses during the stay will not be covered by Medialab-Prado, BCU, nor any of the other project partners. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided during the workshops but not evening meals. 


Medialab-Prado's Community site

Prior to the start of the workshop programme, Medialab Prado collaborators can contact the authors of the selected projects in the Medialab-Prado Community. This is an opportunitiy to state which projects collaborators would like to be part of, and ask any questions in advance of the workshop.


Additional Information

The open call for collaborators will be launched on 14 May. If you are interested in participating as a collaborator, you will have to fill the form below and send it before Friday 13 June, 2014. 

If you have any questions, please read the faq or contact interactivos [at], or write to us at one of the above email addresses.

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#workshop #Interactivos? technologies #Interactivos #birmingham