DrupalMad February 2010 - code sprint: programming advanced module managing in Drupal

Desde 24/02/2010 06:02 hasta 24/02/2010 08:02


Organized by:


Official call:



DrupalMad represents a Drupal developers and users community in Madrid, for both professionals and amateurs. Its goal is to foster and improve Drupal in Madrid and Spain through diffusion and developing activities.

Its first activity is to organize monthly meetings to dynamize the community and foster the use, knowledge and improvements of Drupal.

Unless otherwise indicated, the schedule for these meetins is as follows: from 6 pm to 8 pm the second Tuesday of every month.

Website of the group: http://groups.drupal.org/madrid-area

About this session:

The goal of this mini code sprint is to program a module for advanced module management and to improve Drupal 6 in two aspects.

  1. Ease the activation and deactivation of modules without having to know their short name (unlike drush requires). This could be made from the site interface without going through admin/build/modules/list thanks to an moudule name autofill block.
  2. Desable contributed modules before core actualization and enable them again automatically.
  3. Other functionalities will depend on the number of programmers in the meeting, but all ideas will be welcome.


  • It is necessary to have a knowledge in PHP and to bring your own laptop.
  • It is recommended to have basic knowledge in Drupal API
  • It is desirable to bring jQuery or Javascript


  • 18:00h a 18:40h: Planteamiento y discusión del diseño, arquitectura y funcionamiento del módulo.
  • 18:40h a 20:00h: Programación del módulo.

The goal is a very simple module that could include improvements, such as the use of jquery and modal windows to use the module, based on the habilities of the participants. It would be great if it could be ready to be brought to DrupalCamp as part of one of the lectures we will hold there.


What is Drupal?

Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. Tens of thousands of people and organizations are using Drupal to power scores of different web sites.

Drupal is open-source software distributed under the GPL ("GNU General Public License") and is maintained and developed by a community of thousands of users and developers. If you like what Drupal promises for you, please work with us to expand and refine Drupal to suit your specific needs. (Source: http://drupal.org)


More information:

Drupal Hispano. Comunidad de usuarios de Drupal

Drupal.org (in English)

Medialab Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#software_libre #drupal #drupalmad