Cine sin Autor: ¿De qué?

Desde 09/04/2011 05:04 hasta 09/04/2011 08:04

logo cinesinautor


According to the manifesto, Cine Sin Autor (Film with No Author) "is a social cinematographic process in which the Representation is modified by the person or human collective generating the film and, at the same time, the last-named are modified by the construction of the film representation chosen to produce. We consciously select people, groups and collectives that are unfamiliar with the production of media cinematographic images."

¿De qué? Is a collaborative movie resulting from an intense working process that begun in 2009 in Humanes with the participation of many local youngsters. In their blog they comment that “ the film resembles what we live:  uncertainty, confusion, agitation, fascination, debate, discussions, affection, respect and, above all a strong enthusiasm and joy to make film our of our own lives.

The title came at the end when we were constantly asking ourselves ¿De qué va la película? (What's the film about?)

Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

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