What Mediation

Desde 04/11/2011 10:11 hasta 04/11/2011 12:11

What is mediation? Who mediates? Between who and whom? What does it promote? We propose to start these encounters reading a text: The Just. Ethics of Collective Intelligence by French philosopher Pierre Levy. Which is a "secular" interpretation of the biblical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra. The text contains and presents many of the questions and intuitions that have moved us to organize these sessions to reflect on mediation. Thus reading it might be the best presentation, the best explanation of what is intended and the best gateway to what will follow. At the end of the session we will briefly present the following sessions of the cycle.

At the end of the session we will do a brief presentation of the following sessions of the cycle.

References and supports:

Los Justos. Ética de la inteligencia colectiva (.pdf), by Pierre Levy.

Audio of the session:

Medialab Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#debate #mediador_cultural #mediacion #seminario #grupo_trabajo #pensando_haciendo_MP