Making Worlds. The Space as Mediator

Desde 27/06/2012 10:06 hasta 27/06/2012 12:06

> Introduction
> Program
> References and Supports



"When the Medialab-Prado team gave us the opportunity to participate in a group reflection on the role of spaces as mediators in collective processes, we were immediately interested by the challenge of pursuing this project in the spaces where work develops in a transversal manner. It is our understanding that the visibilization of the nuances that take place in these spaces offer a productive tool for understanding, narrating and building the dynamics in which we are immersed.

As a collective we work within the frame of social centres and we have lived first hand the emergence of some of them, so we have seen the birth and growth of processes that never cease to teach us lessons: on the capacity of a space to be open and safe, on invitations to participate, on ways of enabling empowerments and motivating responsibilities, constructive sovereignty, the use of natural and recycled materials, the tensions with the legislative apparatus, the permanent exchange of knowledge… Due to the heterogenic nature of self-construction and to the disparity of experiences, it is inevitable to work on different scales in a defined but blurred geographic frame, intertwined with other networks. As for the scale, concerning the idea that local actions have effect on a global scale, we will deal with a wide range of issues, from the repair of a ramp in a social centre to the territorial impact that the construction of these kind of places have. In sum, we will deal with the challenge of building four walls to hold a social project.
Our experience has been one of, and from the viewpoint of, self-management (especially in social centres, both occupied and granted), it has been a challenge to transpose to other institutional spaces the need to rethink the ways of dealing with constructive processes. In this particular case, the interest to delve into this debate has been an initiative of the team working at Medialab, their future instalment in the Belgian Sawmill has given us the opportunity to think in specifics terms, to share and reflect on the spaces that the city offers us."



"Wednesday June 27 we shall meet at 10 am at the CSA La Tabacalera de Lavapiés, we will go through its different spaces and sit down and debate on the object of the session. Anybody who wishes to eat at Tabacalera is welcome to do so on his or her own account.

In the afternoon we will walk around the city making a few strategic stops to point out certain aspects of other places. We are all invited." By the Autoconstrucción Collective.

Visit to Tabacalera

Visit to San Fernando's Market

Visit to Patio Maravillas


References and Supports

About the group:
About Tabacalera:
Sobre corredera:

CSA Tabacalera de Lavapiés (C/ Embajadores, 53) Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#debate #mediador_cultural #mediacion #seminario #grupo_trabajo #pensando_haciendo_MP