We Live in a Sea of Data. Are Data the New Oil of the 21st Century?

Desde 06/11/2012 09:11 hasta 06/11/2012 08:11


(All activities take place at Fundación Telefónica -Edificio Telefónica en Gran Vía, 28 entrance through c/ Fuencarral 3- except for the workshop at 17:00h).


9:30h - 10:00h. Welcome.

9:30h - 9:45h. Presentation by José de la Peña.

9:45h - 10:15h. General overview by Josep Curto (Senior Consultant at IDC).

10:15h - 11:30h. Round table: Where are Data. Panelists: Daniel Pardo (CEO of Farsens), Iván de Prado (CEO at Datasalt), Javier Zorzano (Responsible for Open Hardware at Telefónica Digital) and Alejandro Giménez (CTO at EMC).

11:30h - 12:00h. Break – Coffee.

12:00h - 13:30h. Round table on Data Science. Panelists: Pepe Almagro (founder of Bayes Forecast)
Jordi Torres (Professor at UPC), Luis Gregorio Moyano (Data Scientist at Telefónica) and David Ríos (Royal Academy of Exact, Physics and Natural Sciences).

17:00h - 20:00h. Workshop Internet of Things and Use of Cosm (in Espacio Fundación Telefónica).
Led by César García and Sara Alvarellos, founders of the group Internet of Things in Medialab-Prado.
NOTE: This same workshop takes place in Medialab-Prado on November 8
17:00h - 20:00h. Workshop Data Visualization Tools led by Outliers, a collective of professionals of Design, Software and Architecture (in Medialab-Prado) [+info]

Fundación Telefónica (Edificio Telefónica en Gran Vía, 28 entrada entrada c/ Fuencarral 3) y Medialab-Prado (Matadero Madrid Paseo de la Chopera, 14)

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#big data #telefonica