Workshop Discover the Internet of Things

Desde 07/11/2012 05:11 hasta 07/11/2012 08:11

In the first part some new open platforms that are currently developing ideas and prototypes will be introduced. Using these tools we will do some demonstrations that combine physical and virtual messages in order to invite attendees to take part in them.

We will end with an introduction to Arduino platform, doing some of the previosly mentioned examples with the aid of participants.



  • To present the Internet of Things and its potential applications.
  • To introduces concepts related to Open Hardware and Software.
  • To show communication between machines (M2M) with eye-catching examples.
  • To disseminate the event through social media thanks to the interaction with some of the prototypes.
  • To introduce attendees to Arduino platform.


Who is Aimed at

Internet users and trends and new technologies followers. This workshop is specially enjoyable for those who want to get to know and understand technologies to come. We assume that most of the participants are familiar with software and drivers installation. It is recommendable for the practical part to be familiar with computers and to be able to install programs.

Medialab-Prado en Matadero Madrid (Paseo de la Chopera, 14)

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#iot #big data #telefonica