Events to Change, Emprender para Cambiar

Desde 13/11/2013 01:00 hasta 14/11/2013 01:00



On 13 and 14 November you can participate in the public event andn workshops to learn how Ashoka Fellows are successfully encouraging more entrepreneurial societies worldwide.

In addition the event will count with successful entrepreneurs as Catalina Hoffman , Carlos Barrabes, Antonella Broglia, José María Peréz "Peridis" and Luis María López Aranguren who will strengthened from their experience the conclusions  of the working groups .

The scope of EventsToChange will transcend to the political sphere with the presence of Manuel Valle, General Director of Industry and SMEs, who will receive in hand the conclusions  created by the experts in the different workshops to  close the day on Wednesday.

All event information is on the web, where you can also enroll anyone interested in participating.

Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
#emprendimiento #changemakers