1º Workshop of the Common Body Workgroup - Society of Molecules

Desde 09/05/2009 12:05 hasta 10/05/2009 12:05

Saturday May 9: 12 noon to 8 pm
Sunday May 10: 11 am to 3 pm

Materials: Body in motion.

Post-anatomical architectures – microdances - undoing the pancoreographic

The Molecule in Madrid will deal with modes of production of amorphous relational bodies-architectures-sexes through subverting/transposing technologies of control: war-machines (for emergence and resistance) in times of the Capitalism of Affects.


Surveillance cameras are placed on the skin, pointing to the skin, in different places anywhere on the body, becoming an interface (or intrabody) in an interactive system (or intra-active body) for the performance/metaformance of Microdances. The nearly legible abstract moving fragments of the body are projected like an architecture, onto buildings as an urban intervention, or indoors, producing an immersive space. Always look at the projection as you move, let the projection move you. Proprioceptive feedback is transposed to the microdances, the amorphous movements of the images, while the voice is processed life through a software becoming a chorus of dissolving voices. First one body only, then more together, constituting a metabody.

The transposition of the camera to the surface of the skin is a simple gesture with powerful consequences: it dissolves the distance, framing and focus that accounts intelligibility in representation and materialisation (the intelligibility that we have embodied as synonymous to objectivity since the proliferation of the camera obscura in the XV century), it makes the object of surveillance unrecognisable and uncontrollable, it dissolves anatomical architectures into formless movement, thus working on the constitutive boundaries of sex, gender and intimacy, it projects the moving body in new scales and dimensions of time-space and capability, it displaces proprioceptive feedback into a transposed antianatomy, redesigning the sensory anatomy and producing a closed circuit for self-production that disseminates in multiplicities of times-becomings.

The lack of distance and perspective generates a space of a body that is like an alien world and yet so near: it is not outside signification but rather disrupts the frames of reference, the distances of signification, and explodes the signifying body in a supernova of disseminations, where everything is sex and gender is nowhere, a body of pure excess: excess of dissemination, excess of intensity, excess of overflow. The outside of discourse is found in the excessive proximity, almost like an inside. An exercise for non-identitarian becoming, most therapeutical in our times of obsession with identity as marketing product. The life electronic processing of the voice works in the direction of  transforming verbal movement, faciality and vocality. The new scale of micromovement redefines categories of ability and disability.

The loss of perspective situates motion and action in a plane of immanence: it is not about multiple perspectives of the body, but about an immanent becoming of the body as motion, projecting it-self as formless space, space without perspective, intensive space, with no predefined quantifiable scales, but rather with endless qualitative differetial potentials: a space-without-extension, a space of pure intensity. The amorphous proximity is both alienating and absorbing operating in the constitutive frontiers of form and anatomy, gender and sex, intimacy and legibility. The formless body produces multiples sexes and sex-events in a becoming that never sediments into actual sexes: a metamorphogenesis. Sex/desire is understood as movement, affective relationality that traverses all kinds of human and non-human movement in a proliferation of never ending formless potential sexes that do not relate to the binary constructions of biological sex and gender, and at the same time may refer to them continuously, dissolving their constitutive anatomical boundaries.

The body thus intensifies its becoming as intensive architecture, as it is projected in propioceptive loops producing visual, sound, kinetic and proxemic space. The scale of the moving body is transformed, as time-space scale. The metabody/metasex as relational body of movement doesn’t permit ontological differentiations between the analogue and the digital. Emergence/territorialisation or fight/gravitation happens at all levels in the interactions of forces, where no level is priori discreet (this includes the level of computation in interaction design).

This transposition aims at counteracting the effects of technologies of control that operate through the production of affect as contagious choreographies (of vision, of hearing, of gesture, of kinetics, of thinking, etc.) distributed globally via interfaces of different kinds (mouse and keyboard, screen, software, algorithms, texts, joystick, mobile phone, mp3, disco....) and in the form of ubiquitous images and sounds, that constitute the PanChoreographic as machine of affective production of bodies in late capitalism.

The molecule will setup a workshop for experimenting with the production of such post-anatomical metabody-architecture-sexes and its possibilities as warfare for the proliferation of amorphous desire: in the streets, through the internet and across other media, liberating an antibody of form in the disciplinary-anatomical machines of production and simulation in digital culture.

Seeds and recipes related to this moelcule could contain instructions for the proliferation of such post-anatomical body-sex-architectures, or be living embodiments (performance/metaformance) of these.

Participants will be 3-10 from those regularly participating in the lab coordinated by Jaime del Val at Medialab-Prado, to which this molecule is associated, plus some others attending through an open call.

Related projects:



Medialab-Prado. Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 · Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
Commons Lab
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