Cine Sin Autor. Collectivity Politics. How to Democratize Movie Making in the 21st Century?

Desde 06/02/2012 06:02 hasta 06/02/2012 12:02

imagen cine sin autor


1) A very brief overview of the previous work for the new members, following the drawings-squemes.

2) A historical comparison to analyze the first Lumiere catalog that made possible the official birth of cinema in relation with the current state of a a network society the produces audivisual material.

Thesis: Whay do we talk about a First and a Second History of Cinema?

3) A visualization of some of our documentaries to see how have we collectively built a fiction. We will also watch some scenes to analyze how some roles, suchs as directing, shooting, script writting or editing work in a collective fiction dynamic, among other topics.

4) An open space to watch materials that other participants want to share and that have something to do with collaborative, open, participative and intervened production.

5) We want to propose to all those who want to take part, a direct cinema action in the Medialab surroundings that allows us to analyze a number of elements that we are reflecting on.


As usual, this order is flexible and we will follow the collective interest.

> Contents and summary of the 1st session

Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
Commons Lab
#cine #csa