Free Software Libre and Free Agroecology in Brasil: Convergences, Resonances and Emergencies

Desde 30/11/2010 12:11 hasta 30/11/2010 12:11


"For this sessions, within the framework of the Commons Lab, we want to share stories and experiences about Brazilian movements as part of the Commons.

Taking care of the Commons -- like water, air, libraries or parks -- deserves to be reinforced when political neoliberal systems try to privatize them. In this process, called "the closing of the common goods", these goods are considered underused actives for the market. That's why social movements and cultural resistance around the world get together to condemn that privatization of seeds, human eggs or software is part of the same plan, a plan of confining knowledge and living beings". By Tadzia Maya.




Medialab-Prado · Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid

Sessions of the activity

The activity is over
Commons Lab
#comunidad #politica #recursos #comunal #procomun #Laboratorio_del_procomun #bienes_comunes #economia #dominio_publico #cooperacion #brasil